VeriFone PP1000SE
The PINpad 1000se Terminal provides maximum flexibility for debit card
transactions. Key management is integral to the PIN encryption process.
The PINpad 1000se supports both Master-Session and DUKPT (derived unique
key per transaction) so users needn't purchase new hardware if their key
management requirements change. Used worldwide the Master-Session method
uses master keys and working session keys. The DUKPT method
automatically generates a working key for each transaction and ensures
POS debit and host synchronization across transactions. In addition to
providing the benefits of key management flexibility the PINpad 1000se
supports VeriFone PINpad 101 and 102 applications. The PINpad 1000se
also supports MAC (Message Authentication Code). This technique protects
the debit transaction data from accidental or fraudulent tampering
during its transfer to the host. The PINpad 1000se offers consumers a
number of advantages. So compact it fits in the palm of the hand it
allows customers to enter their PINs in complete confidentiality. And
its easy-to-read eight-character display lets them confirm the purchase
amount. For efficient deployment and cost savings you can use VeriFone's
MKIXOR software to inject the PINpad 1000se for either Master-Session or
DUKPT key management. If both key types have been injected you can
easily reset the PINpad 1000se on site when you switch from one
methodology of key management to another.