MasterCard/Visa qualified rates as low as: | .99% | |||
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Per Authorization: | $0.10 | |||
Monthly Account Maintenance: | 10.00 | |||
HIGH RISK MERCHANT ACCOUNTS (Adult Company/Porn Website/Escorts) | ||||
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Payment Processing Challenges for Adult Service ProvidersBanks consider all businesses that process card-not-present transactions high risk. When cardholders aren’t present to sign for their purchases, merchants have a harder time verifying customers are who they claim to be. There are other reasons why banks may label adult service providers high risk, including:
High risk means hard times, but don't let this discourage you. There is a solution--and EMS Business Solutions has it! Payment Processing Solutions for Adult Service ProvidersWe understand that every e-commerce merchant deserve the chance to process payments online--that's why we offer adult merchant accounts to legal and legitimate adult service providers. Our offshore banking partners have fewer trading restrictions, making it easier for high risk merchants to get merchant accounts and find the perfect online payment processing solution. Adult service providers using our payment processing services will benefit from:
Setting up merchant accounts for your adult entertainment business can be a challenge. Due to the laws governing pornography, adult sex toy and video products, and other businesses geared at the 18+ crowd, many banks are reluctant to work with the adult industry. However, adult entertainment is the single largest industry presence on the internet. If all of those web sites can be successful, so can yours! EMS Business Solutions is happy to assist internet businesses or retail establishments of an adult nature such as book stores and strip clubs. We have the merchant banking relationships needed to set up a merchant account for your porn web site or for your retail establishment, giving you the best available rates and allowing your company to process credit card transactions. Adult websites are dependent on credit cards for both payment and age verification, so your business must have a reliable bank or visa mastercard company backing you up at all times. Adult entertainment online web sites have two options for payment and billing with our company for credit card processing. The first is to set up a traditional merchant account through a bank. You can expect your business to be classified as "high risk" because of the nature of your transactions (being processed over the internet in an industry associated with a high level of chargebacks). Not all banks are willing to work with business owners in adult entertainment because the legal and financial risks are greater with these companies than with other, more benign businesses. If your adult business is unable to work with a traditional bank or merchant service provider, or if you choose to avoid a traditional bank because of the high transaction fees, an international bank can allow you to process credit cards quickly and easily. While international banks are not generally as well-insured as American banks, it is possible to secure reputable and reliable service from an overseas merchant account. We use only with the most reputable international merchant companies to make sure that you receive the best rates and the most reliable service. For more information or to begin setting up a merchant account for your adult entertainment business, contact us today! Online Dating Merchants as High Risk Merchant AccountsAre you related to the Online Dating Industry? Finding it impossible to find a bank or credit card processor who would accept your business for being considered a high risk merchant account? Need a merchant account provider who will accept your business with its risks and provide you with an online dating merchant account so you can process credit card transactions? Online Dating Merchant Accounts – Difficulties and RefusalsGetting accepted by banks and credit card processors for a high risk merchant account like the online dating business is a difficult process for some. Not every bank and processor will understand your concerns. Adult merchants requiring an online dating merchant account will find their business unacceptable by most and will have to face refusals many times. Online Dating Merchant Account - We understand your High RisksAt EMS Business Solutions we understand the significance of your high risk business and that is why we offer many other benefits to our high risk and offshore merchants along with a no volume merchant account service. Unlike other merchant account providers who refuse you an online dating merchant account we are willing to take the risk and provide you the high risk merchant accounts according to your needs. Benefits offered by EMS's Online Dating Merchant AccountWe recognize the added risk factor of high volume sales, refunds, potential chargeback and fraud involved in the high risk businesses and know how to meet with the demands of an online dating merchant account. We offer: So when you chose EMS Business Solutions for an online dating merchant account you can be sure to get all this much more with our worldwide high risk merchant account services. Contact us today! |